13.1.8. Procedure – Set logging level

With the Log settings (log) parameter it is possible to determine which type of messages shall be logged. Apply logtags to enable advanced message filtering and also to determine where the messages shall be logged to.

  1. Select the desired level of logging.

    The default value is level 3 which means that all important events are logged but detailed debug information is not. The higher the value the more information is logged. The levels from 0 to 10 are allowed.


    Give log specification for fine-tuning which logtags what level of messages are logged, for example, core.debug: 2, session.error:8,*. accounting:5..


    Select Syslog if syslog is required to be logged, otherwise the messages are logged to the standard output (STDOUT).


    Logging on the console might be useful during troubleshooting.


    Select Tags if logtags are required to be logged as well.


    This is beneficial if log messages need to be searched and analysed, but it requires more disk space.

    Settings of ZMS logging method

    Figure 13.15. Settings of ZMS logging method