12.4.1. Procedure – Creating a new cluster (bootstrapping a cluster)

To create and bootstrap a new cluster, complete the following steps:


As an alternative to creating a cluster and bootstrapping its first node, an existing Zorp host can also be converted into a cluster. For details, see Procedure 12.4.4, Converting a host to a cluster.

  1. Select the site that will include the new cluster from the configuration tree, and click on New Host Wizard in the Management menu.

  2. Select the Cluster minimal template and click on Forward to start bootstrapping the first node of the cluster. (Bootstrapping cluster nodes is very similar to bootstrapping individual Zorp hosts. For more information see Chapter 4, Registering new hosts.)

    Bootstrapping a cluster

    Figure 12.4. Bootstrapping a cluster

  3. Provide a name for the cluster (for example, Demo_cluster), as well as an Agent Bind IP address, an Agent Bind IP port and a Hostname (for example, Demo_cluster_node1) for the first node of the cluster. The node will accept connections from the ZMS agents on the specified Agent Bind IP/Port pair.

    Entering basic parameters

    Figure 12.5. Entering basic parameters

  4. The rest of the bootstrapping process is identical to bootstrapping a normal Zorp host, that is, create a certificate for the cluster, supply a one-time-password, and so on. For more information see Chapter 4, Registering new hosts.

  5. After bootstrapping the first node of the cluster, complete the following procedures as needed: