To actually use the defined matchers, they have to be specified in the proper attributes of the particular proxy class. The proxy classes can use matchers for a variety of tasks. The matchers to be used by the particular proxy class can be added as
.For example, SmtpProxy can use three different matchers: one to check the relayed domains (for example, using a RegexpMatcher), and two SmptInvalidMatchers (one for sender, one for the recipient address verification). For the details of the matchers usable by a given proxy class see the attributes of the class in Chapter 4, Proxies in Proxedo Network Security Suite 1.0 Reference Guide.
Example 6.13. SmtpProxy class using a matcher for controlling relayed zones |
Python: class SmtpMatcherProxy(SmtpProxy): relay_domains_matcher="Smtpdomains" def config(self): SmtpProxy.config(self) MatcherPolicy(name="Smtpdomains", matcher=RegexpMatcher(match_list=("",),\ ignore_list=None)) |
Published on June 04, 2020
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