3.3.6. Status indicator icons

The Configuration tree in MC displays various indicators to provide a quick overview about the status of the managed sites, hosts, and components. Site and Host-level status is indicated by leds, while icons are used to display Component-level status information.

Status indicator icons and leds

Figure 3.23. Status indicator icons and leds

Hovering the mouse cursor over a led or icon displays a tooltip with the full description of the status.


Status tooltips are displayed for the period configured in Edit > Preferences (for details, see Section 3.2.3, Menu & status bars and Preferences). It is also possible to disable the tooltips altogether.


Similar leds are also used throughout MC to display information about the state of various objects, for example, network interfaces, PNS instances, NTP servers, Heartbeat resources, and so on. These are described in their respective sections.