6.3.2. Managing Application-level Gateway instances

To manage Application-level Gateway instances, navigate to the Instances tab of the Application-level Gateway MC component.

Managing instances

Figure 6.9. Managing instances

The following information is displayed for each instance:

  • Name: Name and state of the instance. The colored led shows the state of the instance:

    • Green – Running

    • Red – Stopped

    • Blue – Unknown. New instances that were not started yet are in this state.

  • Number of processes: The number of CPU cores that the instance can maximally use. Select Edit parameters > General > Number of processes to modify this setting. Default value: 1

  • Log verbosity: The log level set for the instance.

  • Log settings: The log specifications of the instance.

  • Description: A description of the instance, for example, the type of traffic it handles.

Hovering the mouse over an instance displays a tooltip with detailed information, including the number of processes running in the instance, as well as the number of running threads for each process.

Use the button bar below the instances table to manage and configure the instances.

  • New: Create a new instance. On a freshly installed PNS, there are no instances — you have to create one first. See Procedure 6.3.3, Creating a new instance for details.

  • Delete: Remove an instance.


    Deleting an instance makes the services handled by the instance unaccessible.

  • Edit parameters: Modify the name or parameters of the instance. See Section 6.3.5, Instance parameters — general for details. To modify the parameters of every instance, select > Default parameters.

  • Restart: Restart the instance. To Reload, Restart, Stop, or Start an instance, click Restart and select the desired action. These functions are needed after modifying the configuration of an instance. Log level sets the verbosity of logging. Active connections displays the connections currently handled by the instance (see Section 6.8, Monitoring active connections for details).


    Use the Shift or the Control key to select and control multiple instances.

  • Arrow buttons: Move the instance up or down in the list. When PNS boots, the instances are started in the order they are listed.