Procedure – Stack proxies

Since Application-level Gateway proxies natively support TLS-encrypted connections, stacking proxies is rarely needed in Application-level Gateway. For details on configuring TLS-encrypted connections (for example, HTTPS), see How to configure SSL proxying in PNS 1.0. If you need to stack proxies for some reason, complete the following steps.

  1. Derive a proxy class from one of the predefined ones. For details, see Section 6.6.1, Customizing proxies.

  2. Derive a proxy class for the 'external' or parent proxy.

  3. Configure stacking on the Application-level Gateway Class configuration screen.

    Configuring stacking essentially means setting an attribute of the container proxy. The exact name of the attribute depends on the parent proxy. For details, see the Proxedo Network Security Suite 1.0 Reference Guide. For details on setting proxy attributes, see Procedure, Customizing proxy attributes.