Host and cluster-level indicators

The status of the Host is displayed by four different leds. From left to right, these are the following:

All four leds can be Blue, , indicating a partial or unknown status: this appears when the status of the nodes of a cluster differs from each other. For example, the transfer agent led is blue if the agent could establish the connection to only one of the nodes, or if the state of the agent is unknown.

Hovering the mouse pointer above the leds displays a tooltip containing detailed information of the leds, including a summary of the committed/uploaded/and so on components.

Transfer and Monitor connection

These leds indicate the status of the Transfer and Monitoring agent connections, respectively.

  • Green : the agent is connected to the host.

  • Yellow : a connection attempt is in progress.

  • Red : the agent is disconnected.

The management connection leds display unknown status if the given connection is not enabled on the host and is in the disconnected state.

Key distribution

This led indicates the availability of the required certificates and keys on the Host.

  • Green : normal state.

  • Red : the certificates have been modified (for example, refreshed), but the new certificates have not been distributed yet to the Host.


This status led is especially important, because if the certificates are not distributed properly, MS will not be able to communicate with the Host. For details on distributing certificates, see Section, Distribution of certificates.


The Component led indicates the worst state of the components available on the host. That is, if all components are normal, but one is not committed, the led will be in the unsaved state.