6.5.7. Procedure – Connection rate limiting


To limit the maximum rate of new connections in order to prevent from Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, configure a Limit Policy on the Policies tab of the Application-level Gateway MC component and select it from the Limit policy combobox on the Service tab of the firewall rule. You can specify the rate of connections that Application-level Gateway accepts within a given time period. Connection requests above this maximum rate are denied.


  1. Navigate to <Host> > Application-level Gateway > Firewall Rules.

  2. Select the rule to edit, then click Edit > Service.

  3. Select a previously created Limit Policy from the Limit policy combobox.

    If the combobox has no element or the existing elements do not fit for your purpose, create a new one on the Policies tab of the Application-level GatewayMC component. For details, see Section 6.7.7, Limit policies
    Connection rate limiting

    Figure 6.49. Connection rate limiting