Commit and Revert

The Commit changes and Revert changes buttons are always visible, at the minimum.

Commit is used when you finish a (set of) configuration changes and want to save these changes to the XML database of MS.

Revert serves the opposite purpose: before committing changes to the MS database, it is possible to clear, to undo them in MC.


It is very important to remember that Revert is limited to MC, it cannot clear configuration changes that are already committed to the MS database. Those changes can be undone by performing a new round of changes in MC and then committing these changes again.

Both Commit and Revert are component–focused controls. Consequently, before you select another component from the Configuration tree, you must commit the changes in the current component, otherwise they are lost. In such cases, MC displays the following warning:

Warning: commit the changes before leaving the component

Figure 3.14. Warning: commit the changes before leaving the component