Procedure – Monitoring licenses and certificates


The MS and PNS hosts monitor the validity of product licenses and certificates, and automatically send alert e-mails if any of them will expire soon. By default, the host sends e-mail alert to the administrator e-mail address specified during the installation, 14 days before the expiry.

The validity of the available product licenses (MS, PNS, CF, AS, NOD32) is checked once every day on each host that is managed from MS. The validity of CA certificates and certificates is checked only on the MSabbrev; host.

To configure the details of the certificate monitoring, complete the following steps.


  1. Add a new Text editor component to the host to edit the /etc/MSagent/expiration.conf file. For details on editing a file using the Text editor component, see Procedure 8.1.1, Configure services with the Text editor plugin.

  2. Configure the address of the mailserver, and the e-mail address of the recipients as needed. For details on the available parameters, see the manual page of expiration.conf.

  3. Commit and upload your changes.

  4. Execute the /etc/cron.daily/expiration_check.py --test-mail command to send a test e-mail.