Procedure – Creating and configuring routers

  1. Navigate to the Configuration tab of the Content Filtering MC component.

  2. Click on New rule group. Enter a name for the rule group (scenario) and select a default action or specify a scanpath to be used as default.

    Creating a new rulegroup

    Figure 14.19. Creating a new rulegroup

  3. Select the newly created rule group, and click on New to add a new router to the group.

    Add a new router to the group

    Figure 14.20. Add a new router to the group

  4. Select the action to be performed if the conditions match using the Target scanpath combobox. The available actions are described in Section, Router actions and conditions.

  5. Click on New, and define a condition for the router. Select the variable to be used from the Variable combobox, and enter the search term to the Pattern field. Wildcards (for example, '*', '?') can be used in the pattern. If the Variable of the inspected object matches Pattern, the action specified in Target scanpath will be performed.


    A router can contain multiple conditions. In this case the target action is performed only if all specified conditions are true.

    Creating a condition for the router

    Figure 14.21. Creating a condition for the router

  6. Add as many routers to the rule group as required.


    The routers are evaluated sequentially, therefore it is important to list them in a correct order. The order of the routers in a rule group can be modified using the arrow buttons below the routers tree. The object is only inspected with the scanpath of the first matching router.

    A configured scanpath with routers and conditions

    Figure 14.22. A configured scanpath with routers and conditions