Starting and stopping firewall instances is performed automatically using the default installation. However, it is possible to control manually the firewall instances with the PNSctl utility. PNSctl starts and stops PNS instances using the instances.conf
file. One or more instance names can be passed to PNSctl as arguments. If an error occurs while starting or stopping one of them, an exclamation mark ('?') is appended to the name of the instance as the script processes requests.
To control Application-level Gateway with PNSctl, enter the following lines.
PNSctl start|stop <instance name> <instance name> <...>
Besides the start and stop parameters for controlling instances, zopctl has some other parameters as well.
PNSctl status <instance>
printing the status of the specified PNS instance
PNSctl szig <instance>
displaying some internal information about the specified PNS instance
PNSctl inclog <instance>
incrementing the logging level of the specified instance with one level
PNSctl declog <instance>
decrementing the logging level of the specified instance with one level
For a full list of the available parameters with short explanations type PNSctl at a command prompt, without parameters, or issue the man PNSctl command. The manual page of PNSctl is also available at velactl(8) in Proxedo Network Security Suite 2 Reference Guide.
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