Configuring policies for RADIUS commands and responses

Changing the default behavior of commands can be done by using the hash attribute request. There is a similar attribute for responses called response. These hashes are indexed by the type of the request/response. The possible values of these hashes are shown in the tables below. See Section 2.1, Policies for requests and responses for details.

RADIUS_REQ_ACCEPT Allow the request to pass.
RADIUS_REQ_REJECT Block the request and report it to the client.
RADIUS_REQ_ABORT Terminate the connection.
RADIUS_REQ_DROP Block the request without further action.
RADIUS_REQ_POLICY Call the function specified to make a decision about the event. See Section 2.1, Policies for requests and responses for details.

Table 4.46.  Action codes for RADIUS requests

RADIUS_RSP_ACCEPT Allow the response to pass.
RADIUS_RSP_REJECT Block the response and report it to the client.
RADIUS_RSP_ABORT Terminate the connection.
RADIUS_RSP_DROP Block the response without further action.
RADIUS_RSP_POLICY Call the function specified to make a decision about the event. See Section 2.1, Policies for requests and responses for details.

Table 4.47.  Action codes for RADIUS responses

Similar policies can be defined for RADIUS attributes. For easier use, predefined constants are available for the different attributes. The possible actions on the attributes are listed in the following table. The attribute constants are listed in Table A.2, RADIUS Protocol Attribute types described in RFC 2865. .

RADIUS_ATR_ACCEPT Allow the attribute to pass.
RADIUS_ATR_REJECT Block the attribute and report it to the client.
RADIUS_ATR_ABORT Terminate the connection.
RADIUS_ATR_DROP Reject the entire message if it contains the specified attribute.
RADIUS_ATR_POLICY Call the function specified to make a decision about the event. See Section 2.1, Policies for requests and responses for details.
RADIUS_ATR_ZERO An alias of RADIUS_ATR_DROP the action code.
RADIUS_ATR_ACCEPT_MAXONE The message can contain zero or one of the specified attribute.
RADIUS_ATR_ACCEPT_ONE Accept exactly one attribute in the message. The message is rejected if it does not contain the specified attribute. This action can be used to check the existance of mandatory attributes.
RADIUS_ATR_DROP_ONE Drop the attribute from the message; the message itself is not rejected.

Table 4.48.  Action codes for RADIUS attributes