Attributes of AbstractLdapProxy

max_message_size (integer, rw:r)
Default: 65535
Maximum allowed size of requests and responses.

max_pending_request (integer, rw:r)
Default: 32
Maximum number of pending requests.

max_search_response_number (integer, w:r)
Default: 2147483648
Determines the maximal number of LDAP search results. The action to perform on results over this limit can be set in the response_overrun_action attribute.

permit_sasl_transport (boolean, rw:r)
Default: FALSE
Permit the use of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) on LDAP messages. See Section 4.12.4, Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) on LDAP messages for details.

request (complex, rw:r)
Default: n/a
Normative policy hash for LDAP requests indexed by the request. See also Section 4.12.3, Configuring policies for LDAP requests.

response_overrun_action (enum, w:r)
The action to perform on search results over the limit set in the max_search_response_number attribute.

timeout (integer, rw:r)
Default: 600000
I/O timeout in milliseconds.