Attributes of AbstractSipProxy

max_keepalive_size (integer, w:r)
Default: 128
Maximum size for SIP signaling keepalive messages in bytes. See Section, Keepalive messages in SIP for details.

max_message_size (integer, w:r)
Default: 65536
Maximum allowed size of a SIP signaling message in bytes.

media_connection_mark (integer, w:rw)
Default: 0
Connection mark value that is set on all on media connections. That way media connections can be easily identified and handled by specific packet filtering rules.

secondary_mask (secondary_mask, rw:r)
Default: 0xf
Specifies which connections can be handled by the same proxy instance. See Section 2.2, Secondary sessions for details.

secondary_sessions (integer, rw:r)
Default: 10
Maximum number of allowed secondary sessions within a single proxy instance. See Section 2.2, Secondary sessions for details.

timeout (integer, w:r)
Default: 600000
I/O timeout in milliseconds.