Attributes of AbstractSmtpProxy

active_extensions (integer, n/a:r)
Default: n/a
Active extension bitmask, contains bits defined by the constants 'SMTP_EXT_*'

add_received_header (boolean, rw:rw)
Default: FALSE
Add a Received: header into the email messages transferred by the proxy.

append_domain (string, rw:rw)
Domain to append to email addresses which do not specify domain name. An address is rejected if it does not contain a domain and append_domain is empty.

autodetect_domain_from (enum, rw:rw)
If you want to autodetect the domain name of the firewall and write it to the Received line, then set this. This attribute either set the method how the mailname should be detected. Only takes effect if add_received_header is TRUE.

domain_name (string, rw:rw)
If you want to set a fix domain name into the added Receive line, set this. Only takes effect if add_received_header is TRUE.

extensions (complex, rw:rw)
Normative policy hash for ESMTP extension policy, indexed by the extension verb (e.g. ETRN). It contains an action tuple with the SMTP_EXT_* values as possible actions.

interval_transfer_noop (integer, rw:rw)
Default: 600000
The interval between two NOOP commands sent to the server while waiting for the results of stacked proxies.

max_auth_request_length (integer, rw:r)
Default: 256
Maximum allowed length of a request during SASL style authentication.

max_request_length (integer, rw:r)
Default: 256
Maximum allowed line length of client requests.

max_response_length (integer, rw:r)
Default: 512
Maximum allowed line length of a server response.

permit_long_responses (boolean, rw:r)
Default: FALSE
Permit overly long responses, as some MTAs include variable parts in responses which might get very long. If enabled, responses longer than max_response_length are segmented into separate messages. If disabled, such responses are rejected.

permit_omission_of_angle_brackets (boolean, rw:r)
Default: FALSE
Permit MAIL From and RCPT To parameters without the normally required angle brackets around them. They will be added when the message leaves the proxy anyway.

permit_unknown_command (boolean, rw:r)
Default: FALSE
Enable unknown commands.

request (complex, rw:rw)
Normative policy hash for SMTP requests indexed by the command name (e.g.: "USER", "UIDL", etc.). See also Section, Configuring policies for SMTP commands and responses.

request_command (string, n/a:rw)
Default: n/a
When a command is passed to the policy level, its value can be changed to this value.

request_param (string, n/a:rw)
Default: n/a
When a command is passed to the policy level, the value of its parameter can be changed to this value.

request_stack (complex, rw:rw)
Attribute containing the stacking policy for SMTP commands. See Section, Stacking.

require_crlf (boolean, rw:r)
Default: TRUE
Specifies whether the proxy should enforce valid CRLF line terminations.

resolve_host (boolean, rw:rw)
Default: FALSE
Resolve the client host from the IP address and add it to the Received line. Only takes effect if add_received_header is TRUE.

response (complex, rw:rw)
Normative policy hash for SMTP responses indexed by the command name and the response code. See also Section, Configuring policies for SMTP commands and responses.

response_param (string, n/a:rw)
Default: n/a
When a response is passed to the policy level, the value of its parameter can be changed to this value. (It has effect only when the return value is not SMTP_*_ACCEPT.)

response_value (string, n/a:rw)
Default: n/a
When a response is passed to the policy level, its value can be changed to this value. (It has effect only when the return value is not SMTP_*_ACCEPT.)

timeout (integer, rw:r)
Default: 600000
Timeout in milliseconds. If no packet arrives within this in interval, the connection is dropped.

tls_passthrough (boolean, rw:r)
Default: FALSE
Change to passthrough mode after a successful STARTTLS request. The encrypted traffic is not processed or changed in any way, it is transported intact between the client and server.

unconnected_response_code (integer, rw:rw)
Default: 451
Error code sent to the client if connecting to the server fails.