Service methods

Method __init__(self, name, proxy_class, router, chainer, snat_policy, dnat_policy, authentication_policy, authorization_policy, max_instances, max_sessions, auth_name, resolver_policy, keepalive, encryption_policy, limit_target_zones_to, detector_config, detector_default_service_name, session_counting, limit_policy, geoip_policy)

This contructor defines a Service with the specified parameters.

Arguments of __init__
auth_name (string)
Default: None
Authentication name of the service. This string informs the users of the Authentication Agent about which service they are authenticating for. Default value: the name of the service.

authentication_policy (class)
Default: None
Name of the AuthenticationPolicy instance used to authenticate the clients. See Section 5.1, Module Auth for details.

authorization_policy (class)
Default: None
Name of the AuthorizationPolicy instance used to authorize the clients. See Section 5.1, Module Auth for details.

chainer (class)
Default: None
Name of the chainer instance used to connect to the destination server. Defaults to ConnectChainer if no other chainer is specified.

dnat_policy (class)
Default: None
Name of the NAT policy instance used to translate the destination addresses of the sessions. See Section 5.9, Module NAT for details.

encryption_policy (class)
Default: None
Name of the Encryption policy instance used to encrypt the sessions and verify the certificates used. For details, see Section 5.5, Module Encryption.

geoip_policy (class)
Default: None
Name of the GeoIpPolicy instance used to restrict geographical location based of the sessions.

keepalive (integer)

limit_policy (class)
Default: None
Name of the LimitPolicy instance used to rate limit the sessions.

limit_target_zones_to (complex)
Default: None
A comma-separated list of zone names permitted as the target of the service. No restrictions are applied if the list is empty.

max_instances (integer)
Default: 0
Permitted number of concurrent instances of this service. Usually each service instance handles one connection. Default value: 0 (unlimited).

max_sessions (integer)
Default: 0
Maximum number of concurrent sessions handled by one thread.

name (string)
Default: n/a
The name identifying the service.

proxy_class (class)
Default: n/a
Name of the proxy class instance used to analyze the traffic transferred in the session. See Section 5.11, Module Proxy for details.

resolver_policy (class)
Default: None
Name of the ResolvePolicy instance used to resolve the destination domain names. See Section 5.12, Module Resolver for details. Default value: DNSResolver.

router (class)
Default: None
Name of the router instance used to determine the destination address of the server. Defaults to TransparentRouter if no other router is specified.

snat_policy (class)
Default: None
Name of the NAT policy instance used to translate the source addresses of the sessions. See Section 5.9, Module NAT for details.

Method startInstance(self, session)

Called by the Rule to create an instance of this service.

Arguments of startInstance
session (unknown)
Default: n/a
The session object