ClientTLSOptions methods

Method __init__(self, tls_min_version, tls_max_version, ciphers, ciphers_tlsv1_3, shared_groups, timeout, session_cache_size, disable_session_cache, disable_ticket, disable_compression, cipher_server_preference, prioritize_chacha, dh_params, disable_renegotiation, disable_send_root_ca)

This constructor defines a ClientTLSOptions with the specified parameters.

Arguments of __init__
cipher_server_preference (boolean)
Default: FALSE
Use server and not client preference order when determining which cipher suite, signature algorithm or elliptic curve to use for an incoming connection.

ciphers (enum)
Default: n/a
Specifies the allowed ciphers. For details, see Table 5.29, Constants for cipher selection .

ciphers_tlsv1_3 (enum)
Default: n/a
Specifies the allowed ciphers for TLSv1.3 connections. For details, see Table 5.30, Constants for TLSv1.3 cipher selection .

dh_param_file_path (string)
Default: None
The path and filename to the DH parameter file. The DH parameter file must be in PEM format. Please be mind that this option is ignored in TLSv1.3 as it does not support custom DH parameters.

disable_renegotiation (boolean)
Default: TRUE
Set this to TRUE to disable client initiated renegotiation. Please be mind that this option is ignored in TLSv1.3 as it does not support renegotiation.

disable_send_root_ca (boolean)
Default: FALSE
Set this to TRUE to inhibit sending root ca to client, even if present in local chain.

disable_session_cache (boolean)
Default: TRUE
Do not store session information in the session cache. Set this option to FALSE to enable TLS session reuse. Please be mind that this option is ignored in TLSv1.3 as it does not support session IDs.

disable_ticket (boolean)
Default: TRUE
Session tickets are a method for TLS session reuse, described in RFC 5077. Set this option to FALSE to enable TLS session reuse using session tickets.

prioritize_chacha (boolean)
Default: FALSE
When cipher_server_preference is TRUE, reprioritize ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher if it is at the top of the client cipher list.

session_cache_size (integer)
Default: 20480
The number of sessions stored in the session cache for TLS session reuse. Please be mind that this option is ignored in TLSv1.3 as it does not support session IDs.

shared_groups (enum)
Default: n/a
Specifies the allowed shared groups. For details, see Table 5.31, Constants for shared group selection .

timeout (integer)
Default: 300
Drop idle connection if the timeout value (in seconds) expires.

tls_max_version (enum)
Default: TLS_VERSION_1_3
Specify the maximum supported TLS protocol version.

tls_min_version (enum)
Default: TLS_VERSION_1_2
Specify the minimum supported TLS protocol version.