RadiusProxy is a module built for parsing the messages of the RADIUS protocol. It reads the REQUESTs at the client side and decrypts the user password with the given shared secret (known by both the client and the server). If the REQUEST and all the ATTRIBUTEs are permitted by the local security policy, it sends the message to the RADIUS server. It parses the arriving RESPONSE and validates the authenticator signature. The authenticator signature is an MD5 hash included in the RADIUS message, generated from various message parameters, including the shared secret. It is used to ensure that the response is genuine and was indeed sent by the server. If the RESPONSE is permitted by the local security policy and is authentic, the message encrypted with the secret is returned to the NAS. It is possible to keep different secrets on the two sides of the proxy (i.e. password translation is possible). RadiusProxy is able to parse both authentication and accounting messages, and it can also manipulate RESPONSEs if the secret is available. If the secret is not available, authenticator signatures cannot be validated, thus it is not possible to verify that the received response was sent to a proper request. Both the client and server side secrets are required for modifying the messages; for validating the authenticator signature, the server side secret is sufficient.
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