SQLNetProxy is a module built for parsing messages of the SQL*Net protocol. It reads and parses QUERYs on the client side, and sends them to the server if the local security policy permits.
In MTS mode Oracle returns a redirect packet specifying where the client should connect to. The proxy processes this packet and initiates a new connection to the address specified; all packets sent by the client will be automatically redirected to this new address. This functionality is completely transparent to the clients. To accomplish this, either InbandRouter has to be used, or the overridable option has to be set for DirectedRouter and TransparentRouter.
SQLNet proxy is able to parse connect_string
and connection_data
containing the address
and port of the target server and information on the database.
When the connection is established the SQLNetProxy inspects TNS headers, but does not inspect the layers above TNS.
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