Attributes of AbstractImapProxy

capability (complex, rw:rw)
Normative hash defining the capabilities accepted by the proxy. See Section, Calling methods.

flag (complex, rw:rw)
Normative hash controlling flag values accepted by the proxy. See Section, Configuring acceptable flags.

imap_state_new (enum, n/a:rw)
Default: n/a
Protocol state after processing the line, one of the IMAP_IS_* constants. See Section, Calling methods.

imap_state_old (enum, n/a:rw)
Default: n/a
Protocol state before the command arrived, one of the IMAP_IS_* constants. See Section, Calling methods.

max_line_length (integer, rw:rw)
Default: 2048
Maximum allowed line length.

max_literal_count (integer, rw:rw)
Default: 32
Maximum number of literals allowed in one command or answer.

max_literal_length (integer, rw:rw)
Default: 65536
Maximum allowed literal length (e.g.: e-mail bodies are sent as literals).

max_password_length (integer, rw:rw)
Default: 32
Maximum allowed length of passwords.

max_pending_count (integer, rw:rw)
Default: 4
Maximum number of pending IMAP commands.

max_respond_lines (integer, rw:rw)
Default: 2
Maximum number of untagged lines that may be sent back to the client from policy.

max_username_length (integer, rw:rw)
Default: 32
Maximum allowed length of usernames.

password (string, n/a:r)
Default: n/a
Password sent to the remote server.

permit_alternative_login_challenges (boolean, rw:r)
Default: FALSE
Permit the use of "Username:" and "Password:" challenge strings durring LOGIN Authentication SASL mechanism, described in section 2.2 of draft-murchison-sasl-login.

request (complex, rw:rw)
Normative policy hash for IMAP requests indexed by command name. See also Section 2.1, Policies for requests and responses.

response (complex, rw:rw)
Normative policy hash for IMAP responses, indexed by command name, response type and response name. See Section, Configuring policies for IMAP requests and responses.

stack (complex, rw:rw)
Attribute containing the stacking policy for IMAP messages. See Section, Stacking for details.

timeout (integer, rw:rw)
Default: 600000
Timeout value in milliseconds.

username (string, n/a:r)
Default: n/a
Username sent to the remote server.