5.1.9. Class BasicAccessList

This class encapsulates an access list that uses any class derived from the AbstractAuthorization class. BasicAccessList allows to combine multiple access control requirements into a single decision.

BasicAccessList uses a list of rules. The rules are evaluated sequentially. Each rule can specify whether matching the current rule is Sufficient or Required. A connection is authorized if a Sufficient rule matches the connection, or all Required rules are fulfilled. If a Required rule is not met, the connection is refused.

Rules are represented as a list of Python tuples as the following example shows:

Example 5.4. BasicAccessList example

When referenced in a service definition, the following users can access the service:

  • members of the development group;

  • anyone with the user1 username;

  • anyone with the user2 username.

            ((V_BACL_SUFFICIENT, PermitUser('user1')),
             (V_BACL_SUFFICIENT, PermitUser('user2')),
             (V_BACL_REQUIRED, PermitGroup('development')))))