Summary of changes

The following changes have been made to the document between releases Zorp 7.0.18 and Zorp 7.0.19:

Description of the changePlace in the document

The information on which platform ZAA and ZMC can be installed on has been updated.

For the changes, see Chapter 5, Installing the Zorp Management Console and Chapter 6, Installing the Zorp Authentication Agent (ZAA).

Table 2.  Summary of Changes

The following changes have been made to the document between releases Zorp 7.0.14 and Zorp 7.0.15:

Description of the changePlace in the document

Step 3 for procedure Installing Zorp on Ubuntu server has been rephrased.

For the changes, see Procedure 3.2, Installing Zorp on a Ubuntu server.

Table 3.  Summary of Changes