Attributes of AbstractNntpProxy

group_name (string, n/a:r)
Default: n/a
The name of the active (and acknowledged) group.

max_line_length (integer, rw:r)
Default: 513
Maximum allowed length of a command or an answer.

max_password_length (integer, rw:r)
Default: 32
Maximum allowed length of passwords at authentication, longer passwords are rejected.

max_username_length (integer, rw:r)
Default: 16
Maximum allowed length of username at authentication; longer names are rejected.

request (complex, rw:rw)
Normative policy hash for NNTP requests indexed by the command name. See also Section, Configuring policies for NNTP requests and responses.

request_command (string, n/a:rw)
Default: n/a
Command string sent by the client.

request_param (string, n/a:rw)
Default: n/a
Parameters of the command.

request_stack (complex, rw:rw)
Normative policy hash, instructing the proxy to stack another proxy into multiline answers. See also Section, Stacking.

response (complex, rw:rw)
Normative policy hash for NNTP responses indexed by the command name and the response code. See also Section, Configuring policies for NNTP requests and responses.

response_param (string, n/a:rw)
Default: n/a
Parameters of the response.

response_value (enum, n/a:rw)
Default: n/a
Response code sent by the server.

timeout (integer, rw:r)
Default: 120000
I/O timeout in milliseconds.