3.2. Procedure – Installing Zorp Authentication Agent on Linux platforms


This section describes the installation of the Zorp Authentication Agent on Ubuntu Linux operating systems.


  1. Create a mount point for the Zorp installation medium:

    sudo mkdir -p /media/cdrom
  2. Mount the Zorp installation medium to the previous mount point.

    sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom -o ro
  3. Install the Balasys Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) keys to allow the checking of Zorp package signatures by APT.

    sudo /media/cdrom/install-balasys-archive-key.sh
  4. Make sure the following details are added as follows:

    • Add the following lines to the /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/satyr.conf file:

      machine apt.balasys.hu
       login {your username}
      password {your password}
    • Also limit the permissions:

      chmod 600 /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/satyr.conf
    • Add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zorp.list

      deb https://apt.balasys.hu/zorp-os ubuntu-bionic/zorp-7.0latest satyr
  5. Install the Zorp Authentication Agent. Issue the following commands as root:

    apt update
    apt install satyr

    The above commands install the satyr (Zorp Authentication Agent) and the satyr-mpxd (Zorp Authentication Agent Multiplexer) packages.

  6. Zorp Authentication Agent Multiplexer is automatically started after the installation. It can be stopped or started by issuing the systemctl stop satyr-mpxd or systemctl start satyr-mpxd commands, respectively.

  7. Zorp Authentication Agent is launched on desktop environment startup. It can be started manually by running satyr-gtk.