
Authentication Agent is launched on desktop environment startup, and places its icon on the system tray. To configure Authentication Agent preferences, complete the following steps.


To display the version number and other information about Authentication Agent, right-click the system tray icon and click About.


  1. Right-click the system tray icon and click Preferences.


    Figure 6.1. Preferences

  2. To enable automatic Kerberos authentication without user interaction with the Authentication Agent, select Automatic Kerberos authentication. In this case, Authentication Agent will use the username provided during Windows or Linux desktop session login.

  3. To prevent unauthorized initiation of network connections through unattended machines, configure Forget password. Enter the number of minutes after which Authentication Agent deletes the stored password and requires authentication for new connection requests.

  4. To immediately delete the stored password from the Authentication Agent and require authentication for new connection requests, click Forget password now.

    AA stores its preferences in the ~/.config/aa/aa.cfg configuration file on Linux, and in the Windows Registry on Microsoft Windows platforms, for more information see Section 4.1.1, Registry entries on Microsoft Windows platforms.