6.3.3. Class CSZoneDispatcher

This class is similar to a simple Dispatcher, but instead of starting a fixed service, it chooses one based on the client and the destined server zone.

It takes a mapping of services indexed by a client and the server zone name, with an exception of the '*' zone, which matches anything.

NOTE: the server zone might change during proxy and NAT processing, therefore the server zone used here only matches the real destination if those phases leave the server address intact.

Example 6.1. CSZoneDispatcher example

The following example defines a CSZoneDispatcher that starts the service called internet_HTTP_DMZ for connections received on the IP address, but only if the connection comes from the internet zone and the destination is in the DMZ zone.

CSZoneDispatcher(bindto=SockAddrInet('', 50080), services={("internet", "DMZ"):"internet_HTTP_DMZ"}, transparent=TRUE, backlog=255, threaded=FALSE, follow_parent=FALSE)