4.2. Attribute values

The description of each abstract class includes a detailed list and definition of the attributes of the proxy class. The type and default value of the attribute is also provided. Most types of the attributes (e.g., integer, string, boolean, etc.) are self-explanatory; more complicated attributes (listed as complex type) are explained in their respective description or in the general proxy behavior section of the module.

Proxy attributes can be available and modified during configuration time, run time, or both. Configuration time attributes are set and modified when the proxy is configured, that is, when the session starts. Run time attributes are available when the connection is active, for example, information about the HTTP header being processed is available only when the header is processed. Access to the attributes is indicated in the header of the description of the attribute in the following format: availability during configuration time : availability during run time. The type of availability can be read (r) access, write (w) access, both, or not available (n/a). An attribute that is available for reading and writing during both configuration and run time is indicated as rw:rw, an attribute that is available only for reading during run time is indicated as n/a:r.


Unless noted otherwise, default values related to lengths (e.g., line length, etc.) are in bytes.

Timeout values are always given in milliseconds. Setting a timeout to -1 disables the timeout (i.e. it becomes unlimited).

The description of every proxy class includes a list or textual description of the attributes modified relative to their parent class. The values of the other attributes are inherited from the parent class.