5.3.4. Class AvailabilityChainer

This class is based on the MultiTargetChainer class and encapsulates a real TCP/IP connection establishment. It is used when a top-level proxy wants to perform chaining. In addition to ConnectChainer, this class adds the capability to perform stateful failover HA functionality across a set of IP addresses.


Use AvailabilityChainer if you want to connect to servers, the availability of which have been checked by the Availability Checker daemon monitoring them. Hosts which are in Up state are attempted to be connected.

Example 5.11. A DirectedRouter using AvailabilityChainer

The following service definition uses a DirectedRouter class with two possible destination addresses. The firewall uses these destinations in a failover fashion, targeting the second address only if the first one is marked unavailable by the Availability Checker daemon.

Service(name="intra_HTTP_inter", router=DirectedRouter(dest_addr=(SockAddrInet('', 8080), SockAddrInet('', 8080)), forge_addr=FALSE, forge_port=Z_PORT_ANY, overrideable=FALSE), chainer=AvailabilityChainer(protocol=ZD_PROTO_AUTO, timeout_connect=30000), max_instances=0, proxy_class=HttpProxy,)