Attributes of AbstractMSRpcProxy

command_timeout (integer, rw:r)
Default: 600000
Command timeout in milliseconds. If a packet cannot be transmitted during this interval, the connection is dropped.

forwarder_timeout (integer, rw:r)
Default: 20000
Forwarder timeout in milliseconds. If no connection is established to a forwarder facility during this period (measured from service approval), the forwarder will be cancelled.

interface (complex, rw:rw)
Default: empty
Normative policy hash indexed by the UUID of the services, specifying the security policy about the service. See Section, Setting policies for services for details.

secondary_port_max (integer, rw:r)
Default: 0
The upper limit of the port range allocated for forwarders. (Zero means no restriction.)

secondary_port_min (integer, rw:r)
Default: 0
The lower limit of the port range allocated for forwarders. (Zero means no restriction.)

timeout (integer, rw:r)
Default: 600000
Idle timeout in milliseconds. If no packet arrives during this period, the connection is dropped.