May 30, 2024
Table of Contents
- Preface
- 1. Zorp log messages
- 1.1.
- 1.1.1. Established connection
- 1.1.2. Error calling AuthenticationProvider method
- 1.1.3. Error opening socket
- 1.1.4. Error connecting UDP socket (nf)
- 1.1.5. Error querying local address (nf)
- 1.1.6. Error during setsockopt(IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVORIGADDRS)
- 1.1.7. Error during setsockopt(IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_RECVORIGADDRS)
- 1.1.8. Cannot create socket
- 1.1.9. Dispatch thread starting
- 1.1.10. Accept queue stats
- 1.1.11. Dispatch thread exiting
- 1.1.12. Error creating dispatch thread, falling back to non-threaded mode
- 1.1.13. Incoming connection
- 1.1.14. Nobody was interested in this connection
- 1.1.15. Transparent listener connected directly, dropping connection
- 1.1.16. Error registering dispatch, previous entry specified accept_one
- 1.1.17. Internal error, dispatch entry not found (chain exists)
- 1.1.18. Internal error, dispatch entry not found (no chain)
- 1.1.19. Module successfully loaded
- 1.1.20. Module loading failed
- 1.1.21. eofmask updated
- 1.1.22. Packet stats timeout elapsed, and no timeout callback specified
- 1.1.23. Session ID not found for authorization
- 1.1.24. calling event
- 1.1.25. calling __destroy__() event
- 1.1.26. Internal error, trying to look up a non-ZProxyIface compatible interface
- 1.1.27. Error creating proxy thread
- 1.1.28. User initiated proxy termination request received
- 1.1.29. Error creating client socketpair for stacked proxy
- 1.1.30. Error creating server socketpair for stacked proxy
- 1.1.31. Stacking subproxy
- 1.1.32. Stacking subproxy
- 1.1.33. Error creating control socketpair for stacked proxy
- 1.1.34. Stacking program
- 1.1.35. Connecting to remote host
- 1.1.36. Connection denied by policy
- 1.1.37. Dispatcher on address
- 1.1.38. Error opening policy file
- 1.1.39. Error parsing policy file
- 1.1.40. Cannot find proxy module
- 1.1.41. Cannot find proxy module
- 1.1.42. Attribute fetched
- 1.1.43. Attribute changed
- 1.1.44. Error parsing satyr command
- 1.1.45. Internal error in z_policy_stream_new: input ZStream is NULL
- 1.1.46. Error connecting to satyrd
- 1.1.47. Satyr authentication failed, unable to determine target address
- 1.1.48. Satyr authentication failed, cannot connect to client
- 1.1.49. Error connecting to satyr, SSL handshake failed
- 1.1.50. Satyr authentication failed, unknown address family
- 1.1.51. Satyr authentication failed, unable to write request information
- 1.1.52. Satyr authentication failed, error reading answer
- 1.1.53. Invalid maximum aggregator, no source node
- 1.1.54. Invalid maximum aggregator, no source node
- 1.1.55. Failed to parse interval from node name
- 1.1.56. Invalid average aggregator, no source node
- 1.1.57. Failed to create SZIG socket
- 1.1.58. Failed to parse URL filter database
- 1.1.59. Error writing zas stream
- 1.1.60. Error booting & parsing policy
- 1.1.61. Error initializing policy
- 1.1.62. Error loading initial policy, exiting
- 1.1.63. Reloading policy
- 1.1.64. Error reloading policy, reverting to old
- 1.1.65. Unexpected EOF while transferring from server
- 1.1.66. Eofmask is updated
- 1.1.67. Data transfer timed out
- 1.1.68. Data transfer interrupted by progress
- 1.1.69. Error reading request
- 1.1.70. Request details
- 1.1.71. Parse error, dropping request
- 1.1.72. Invalid character, dropping request
- 1.1.73. Username too long, dropping request
- 1.1.74. One hostname is too long in hostname chain, dropping request
- 1.1.75. Error write request
- 1.1.76. Error write request
- 1.1.77. Error write request
- 1.1.78. Error write request
- 1.1.79. Policy violation, abort session
- 1.1.80. Policy violation, drop session
- 1.1.81. fetching request
- 1.1.82. asking policy
- 1.1.83. connecting server
- 1.1.84. sending request
- 1.1.85. copying response
- 1.1.86. everything is done
- 1.1.87. Data connection accepted on client side
- 1.1.88. Data connection accepted on server side
- 1.1.89. Data connection established on client side
- 1.1.90. Connected to client, but connection is not expected
- 1.1.91. Data connection established on server side
- 1.1.92. Connected to server, but connection is not expected
- 1.1.93. Internal error, previous dispatcher not unregistered
- 1.1.94. Internal error, previous attach not unregistered
- 1.1.95. Internal error, previous attach not unregistered
- 1.1.96. Internal error, previous dispatcher not unregistered
- 1.1.97. Resetting data connection
- 1.1.98. Internal error, previous data connection is not closed properly
- 1.1.99. Internal error, cannot start data proxy because peers are not yet connected
- 1.1.100. Internal error, current command descriptor does not specify data transfer
- 1.1.101. Data connection established
- 1.1.102. Possible bounce attack
- 1.1.103. Possible bounce attack
- 1.1.104. Possible bounce attack
- 1.1.105. Possible bounce attack
- 1.1.106. Internal error, client side not connected
- 1.1.107. Internal error, server side not connected
- 1.1.108. Max_line_length above upper limit
- 1.1.109. Max_username_length above max_line_length
- 1.1.110. Max_password_length above max_line_length
- 1.1.111. Max_hostname_length above max_line_length
- 1.1.112. Error parsing valid_chars_username
- 1.1.113. Internal error in stream write, side is wrong
- 1.1.114. Cannot write full line
- 1.1.115. Server answer doesn't begin with number
- 1.1.116. Response arrived
- 1.1.117. Error reading from server
- 1.1.118. Line is too short to be a valid answer
- 1.1.119. Server answer has wrong continuation mark
- 1.1.120. Rejected answer
- 1.1.121. Error reading from client
- 1.1.122. Request fetched
- 1.1.123. Empty command. Aborting
- 1.1.124. Unknown command. Aborting
- 1.1.125. Internal error, known command but command parse is unset
- 1.1.126. This command not allowed in non-transparent mode
- 1.1.127. Request rejected
- 1.1.128. Proxy answer
- 1.1.129. Rejected command (aborting)
- 1.1.130. Bad policy type, aborting
- 1.1.131. Too many continuous lines in the answer
- 1.1.132. Reading from peer
- 1.1.133. Invalid port specified in non-transparent destination
- 1.1.134. Invalid character in username
- 1.1.135. Hostname specified in username is too long
- 1.1.136. Username too long
- 1.1.137. Username too long
- 1.1.138. Invalid character in username
- 1.1.139. Internal error, proxy in unknown state
- 1.1.140. Internal error, proxy in unknown state
- 1.1.141. Password too long
- 1.1.142. Password too long
- 1.1.143. Internal error, proxy in unknown state
- 1.1.144. Internal error, proxy in unknown state
- 1.1.145. Internal error, proxy in unknown state
- 1.1.146. Unexpected response to data transfer command
- 1.1.147. Internal error, proxy in unknown state
- 1.1.148. Invalid parameter for command
- 1.1.149. Invalid parameter for command
- 1.1.150. Internal error, proxy in unknown state
- 1.1.151. Missing parameter for the TYPE command
- 1.1.152. Valid, but unsupported transfer type specification
- 1.1.153. Unknown transfer type specification
- 1.1.154. Missing parameter to the MODE command
- 1.1.155. Invalid parameter to the MODE command
- 1.1.156. Missing parameter to the STRU command
- 1.1.157. Invalid parameter to the STRU command
- 1.1.158. Error preparing server-side data connection (PORT)
- 1.1.159. There was an error binding a server-side listener
- 1.1.160. Error parsing PASV response
- 1.1.161. Error preparing data connection to the server (PASV)
- 1.1.162. Error preparing server-side data connection listener (EPRT)
- 1.1.163. Cannot bind to the given address (EPRT)
- 1.1.164. Missing parameter (EPSV)
- 1.1.165. Bad parameter (EPSV), not beginning with bracket
- 1.1.166. Bad parameter (EPSV), not closing with bracket
- 1.1.167. Error parsing EPSV response
- 1.1.168. Bad parameter (EPSV), invalid port
- 1.1.169. Internal error, cannot detect server address
- 1.1.170. Unknown protocol type (EPSV)
- 1.1.171. Error preparing data connection to the server (EPSV)
- 1.1.172. Invalid parameters to the PORT command
- 1.1.173. Connection mode not supported
- 1.1.174. Error preparing client-side data connection (PORT-<;PASV)
- 1.1.175. Error parsing the server answer to the PASV command (PORT-<;PASV)
- 1.1.176. Error preparing client-side data connection (PORT)
- 1.1.177. Error parsing the server answer to the PORT command
- 1.1.178. Connection mode not supported
- 1.1.179. Error preparing client-side data connection listener (PASV)
- 1.1.180. Error preparing client-side data connection listener (PASV)
- 1.1.181. Error preparing client-side data connection listener (PASV-<;PORT)
- 1.1.182. Error preparing client-side data connection listener (PASV-<;PORT)
- 1.1.183. Error parsing the server answer to the PORT command (PASV-<;PORT)
- 1.1.184. Missing parameter (EPRT)
- 1.1.185. Bad parameter (EPRT)
- 1.1.186. Bad port parameter (EPRT)
- 1.1.187. Unknown protocol method (EPRT)
- 1.1.188. Bad host address (EPRT)
- 1.1.189. Connection mode not supported
- 1.1.190. Error preparing client connect (EPRT)
- 1.1.191. Bad server answer (EPRT)
- 1.1.192. Error preparing client connect (EPRT)
- 1.1.193. Connection mode not supported
- 1.1.194. Error preparing client listen (EPSV)
- 1.1.195. Error preparing client listen (EPSV)
- 1.1.196. Error preparing client listen (EPSV)
- 1.1.197. Error preparing client listen (EPSV)
- 1.1.198. Bad server answer (EPSV)
- 1.1.199. Error parsing command (ALLO)
- 1.1.200. Invalid stacking tuple returned by policy
- 1.1.201. Invalid stacking type
- 1.1.202. Invalid request, data transfer failed
- 1.1.203. Data transfer failed
- 1.1.204. Stacked proxy decision
- 1.1.205. Stacked proxy accepted data
- 1.1.206. Policy does not contain this request, using hard-coded default
- 1.1.207. Policy type invalid
- 1.1.208. Cannot parse policy line
- 1.1.209. Error in policy calling
- 1.1.210. Can't parsing return code
- 1.1.211. Policy does not contain this response, using hard-coded default
- 1.1.212. Answer type invalid
- 1.1.213. Bad policy line
- 1.1.214. Error in policy calling
- 1.1.215. Return code invalid from policy function
- 1.1.216. Policy does not contain this feature, dropping
- 1.1.217. Policy value invalid
- 1.1.218. Internal error, error code out of range
- 1.1.219. An error occurred, serving error file
- 1.1.220. Error writing stream, stream is NULL
- 1.1.221. Error writing stream
- 1.1.222. Only Basic authentication is supported
- 1.1.223. Invalid base64 encoded username:password pair
- 1.1.224. No colon is found in the decoded username:password pair
- 1.1.225. Invalid HTTP request received
- 1.1.226. CONNECT method without version specification
- 1.1.227. This request type is not permitted in transparent mode
- 1.1.228. No host header in transparent request, 'unknown' is used instead
- 1.1.229. 'Host:' header is required, and HTTP/0.9 can't transfer headers
- 1.1.230. No 'Host:' header in request, and policy requires this
- 1.1.231. Error parsing URL
- 1.1.232. Error parsing URL
- 1.1.233. Client attempted to use FTP over HTTP, which is currently disabled
- 1.1.234. Unsupported scheme in URL
- 1.1.235. Too long hostname in URL
- 1.1.236. Accounting
- 1.1.237. Invalid item in request hash
- 1.1.238. Error parsing HTTP_REQ_POLICY tuple in request hash
- 1.1.239. Error parsing HTTP_REQ_REJECT in request hash
- 1.1.240. Unknown request hash item
- 1.1.241. Policy requested to send custom response
- 1.1.242. Request not permitted by policy
- 1.1.243. Request not permitted by policy
- 1.1.244. Connecting to this port is prohibited by policy
- 1.1.245. Internal error initializing server stream
- 1.1.246. Error in HTTP/0.9 compatibility code, line buffer full
- 1.1.247. Server falled back to HTTP/0.9 which is prohibited by policy
- 1.1.248. Invalid HTTP response heading
- 1.1.249. Error parsing response version
- 1.1.250. Unsupported protocol version
- 1.1.251. Invalid response hash item
- 1.1.252. Error parsing HTTP_RSP_POLICY in response hash
- 1.1.253. Error parsing HTTP_RSP_REJECT in response hash
- 1.1.254. Invalid response hash item
- 1.1.255. Response not permitted by policy
- 1.1.256. Missing port number in CONNECT request
- 1.1.257. Parent proxy refused our CONNECT request
- 1.1.258. Starting connect method
- 1.1.259. Internal error, connectMethod is expected to return a proxy instance
- 1.1.260. Fetching request and headers
- 1.1.261. processing request and headers
- 1.1.262. Maximum keep-alive request reached, setting connection mode to close
- 1.1.263. Filtering request and headers
- 1.1.264. Reprocessing filtered request
- 1.1.265. Sending request and headers, copying request data
- 1.1.266. Fetching response and headers
- 1.1.267. Processing response and headers
- 1.1.268. Filtering response and headers
- 1.1.269. Copying response and headers, copying response data
- 1.1.270. Internal error, invalid server_protocol
- 1.1.271. exiting keep-alive loop
- 1.1.272. Chunk length line too long
- 1.1.273. Invalid chunk length
- 1.1.274. Invalid chunk length
- 1.1.275. Chunk too large
- 1.1.276. Unexpected EOF while dechunking stream
- 1.1.277. Chunk footer is not an empty line
- 1.1.278. Stacked proxy sent a content-length hint, using it
- 1.1.279. Invalid stacking tuple returned by policy
- 1.1.280. Invalid stacking type
- 1.1.281. The header 'Content-Length' was present, but is not a number
- 1.1.282. Invalid request, data transfer failed
- 1.1.283. Data transfer failed
- 1.1.284. Stacked proxy decision
- 1.1.285. Received an error hint from stacked proxy
- 1.1.286. Received an error info string from stacked proxy
- 1.1.287. Stacked proxy sent no error hint or info string, using default response
- 1.1.288. Stacked proxy accepted data
- 1.1.289. Invalid FTP response, line too short
- 1.1.290. Invalid FTP response, response code not numeric
- 1.1.291. Invalid FTP response, continuation line contains different status code
- 1.1.292. FTP server returned an unhandled status code for the login request
- 1.1.293. Error logging in
- 1.1.294. Error in FTP greeting, expecting 220
- 1.1.295. Error changing directory on server
- 1.1.296. Error changing directory on server
- 1.1.297. Error changing directory on server
- 1.1.298. Error sending RETR or LIST command to FTP server
- 1.1.299. Error establishing data connection to FTP server
- 1.1.300. Error reading data channel confirmation from FTP server
- 1.1.301. Error reading 226 from FTP server
- 1.1.302. Invalid HTTP_HDR_CHANGE_NAME rule in header processing
- 1.1.303. Invalid HTTP_HDR_CHANGE_VALUE rule in header processing
- 1.1.304. Invalid HTTP_HDR_CHANGE_BOTH rule in header processing
- 1.1.305. Invalid value in header action tuple
- 1.1.306. Error reading from peer while fetching headers
- 1.1.307. First header starts with white space
- 1.1.308. Invalid HTTP header
- 1.1.309. Too many header lines
- 1.1.310. Request method empty, or too long
- 1.1.311. URL missing, or too long
- 1.1.312. Protocol version missing, or too long
- 1.1.313. Request details
- 1.1.314. Invalid HTTP status line
- 1.1.315. Response version empty or too long
- 1.1.316. Response code empty or too long
- 1.1.317. Response details
- 1.1.318. Unknown protocol version
- 1.1.319. Unknown protocol version
- 1.1.320. Invalid return value of packetStats(), integer required
- 1.1.321. packetStats() requested to abort session
- 1.1.322. Response line too long
- 1.1.323. Response status is invalid
- 1.1.324. Response fetched with parameter
- 1.1.325. Response fetched
- 1.1.326. Data transfer failed
- 1.1.327. Request line too long
- 1.1.328. Request fetched with parameter
- 1.1.329. Request fetched
- 1.1.330. Unknown request command
- 1.1.331. Request command not allowed in this state
- 1.1.332. Dropping request parameter, no parameter allowed
- 1.1.333. The required numerical parameter of the request is missing
- 1.1.334. The numerical parameter of the request is not in the given range
- 1.1.335. The numerical parameter of the request is negative
- 1.1.336. The numerical parameter of the request is zero
- 1.1.337. The numerical parameter of the request contains junk after the number
- 1.1.338. The first numerical parameter of the request is not in the given range
- 1.1.339. The first numerical parameter of the request is negative
- 1.1.340. Only one numerical argument in request
- 1.1.341. The second numerical parameter of the request is not in the given range
- 1.1.342. The second numerical parameter of the request is a negative number
- 1.1.343. The numerical parameter of the request contain junk after the number
- 1.1.344. Username is too long
- 1.1.345. Password is too long
- 1.1.346. The username parameter is too long or the digest parameter is missing
- 1.1.347. Error parsing the MD5 digest
- 1.1.348. The required numerical parameter of the response is missing
- 1.1.349. The numerical parameter of the response is not in the given range
- 1.1.350. The numerical parameter of the response is a negative number
- 1.1.351. The numerical parameter of the response contains junk after the number
- 1.1.352. The numerical parameter of the response is not in the given range
- 1.1.353. The required numerical parameter of the response is missing
- 1.1.354. The numerical parameter of the response is a negative number
- 1.1.355. The second numerical parameter of the response is not in the given range
- 1.1.356. The required second numerical parameter of the response is missing
- 1.1.357. The second numerical parameter of the response is a negative number
- 1.1.358. The second numerical parameter of the response contains junk after the number
- 1.1.359. Stacked proxy rejected contents
- 1.1.360. Policy does not contain this request, using hard-coded default
- 1.1.361. Policy type is invalid
- 1.1.362. Cannot parse policy line
- 1.1.363. Error in policy call
- 1.1.364. Cannot parse the return code
- 1.1.365. Policy does not contain this request, using hard-coded default
- 1.1.366. Policy type is invalid
- 1.1.367. Cannot parse policy line
- 1.1.368. Error in policy call
- 1.1.369. Cannot parse return code
- 1.1.370. Stack policy type is invalid
- 1.1.371. Cannot parse stack policy line
- 1.1.372. Cannot parse stack policy line
- 1.1.373. Error in policy call
- 1.1.374. Cannot parse return code
- 1.1.375. Invalid command verb in request
- 1.1.376. Request parsed
- 1.1.377. Fetching request
- 1.1.378. Request line too long
- 1.1.379. Processing request
- 1.1.380. Command not permitted in this state
- 1.1.381. Unknown command
- 1.1.382. Copying request to server
- 1.1.383. Error sending request
- 1.1.384. Fetching authentication request
- 1.1.385. Auth request line too long
- 1.1.386. Copying authentication request to server
- 1.1.387. Error sending authentication request
- 1.1.388. SMTP reply contains non-numeric characters
- 1.1.389. Invalid continuation character
- 1.1.390. Fetching response
- 1.1.391. Response line too long
- 1.1.392. Invalid SMTP reply, reply code changed
- 1.1.393. Response parsed
- 1.1.394. Processing response
- 1.1.395. Copying response to client
- 1.1.396. Error sending SMTP reply
- 1.1.397. Invalid policy ignored, allowing 250 response to NOOP is required
- 1.1.398. Invalid policy ignored, allowing 354 response to DATA is required
- 1.1.399. Invalid contents
- 1.1.400. Error occurred while scanning contents
- 1.1.401. Rejecting empty message
- 1.1.402. Error sending RSET to the server
- 1.1.403. Exiting SMTP loop
- 1.1.404. Error parsing local part
- 1.1.405. Local part does not end in '@'
- 1.1.406. Invalid domain name in path
- 1.1.407. Path does not start with '>;'
- 1.1.408. Invalid source route information
- 1.1.409. Invalid address information
- 1.1.410. Path does not begin with '>;' but ends with '<;'
- 1.1.411. Path begins with '>;' but does not end with '<;'
- 1.1.412. Invalid SIZE extension in the MAIL command
- 1.1.413. Invalid BODY extension in the MAIL command
- 1.1.414. Invalid AUTH sender, not an xtext
- 1.1.415. Invalid extension in the MAIL command
- 1.1.416. Invalid request policy type
- 1.1.417. Error in request policy
- 1.1.418. Error in request policy
- 1.1.419. The verdict returned by the policy is not an int
- 1.1.420. Invalid response policy
- 1.1.421. Error in response policy
- 1.1.422. Error in response policy
- 1.1.423. The verdict returned by the policy is not an int
- 1.1.424. Buffer overflow during protocol decoding, aborting session
- 1.1.425. Internal error, not enough literals
- 1.1.426. Internal error, too many literals
- 1.1.427. Error while writing policy response
- 1.1.428. Error while writing policy response
- 1.1.429. Failed to parse command
- 1.1.430. Error writing to client
- 1.1.431. Reconstructed request
- 1.1.432. Illegal tag
- 1.1.433. Duplicate tag
- 1.1.434. Command not allowed in this state
- 1.1.435. Error parsing command
- 1.1.436. Request denied by policy
- 1.1.437. Dropping request
- 1.1.438. Policy responds to client
- 1.1.439. Aborting connection due to request
- 1.1.440. Too many pending requests
- 1.1.441. Error writing to server
- 1.1.442. Stray continuation response
- 1.1.443. Error writing to server
- 1.1.444. Error writing to server
- 1.1.445. Error writing to server
- 1.1.446. Server returned untagged line during authentication exchange, dropping it
- 1.1.447. Aborting connection due to a response
- 1.1.448. Dropping response
- 1.1.449. Invalid response
- 1.1.450. Error writing to client
- 1.1.451. Response arrived for unknown request
- 1.1.452. Aborting connection due to a response
- 1.1.453. Dropping response
- 1.1.454. Invalid response
- 1.1.455. Error writing to client
- 1.1.456. Complete response arrived
- 1.1.457. Reconstructed response
- 1.1.458. Reading literal
- 1.1.459. No free literal space
- 1.1.460. Illegal character
- 1.1.461. Illegal literal length form
- 1.1.462. Literal length attribute not closed
- 1.1.463. Stacked proxy rejected contents
- 1.1.464. Policy type is invalid
- 1.1.465. Cannot parse stack policy line
- 1.1.466. Cannot parse stack policy line
- 1.1.467. Error in policy call
- 1.1.468. Cannot parse return code
- 1.1.469. Response count for the request reached limit, drop packets
- 1.1.470. Response count for request reached limit, aborting connection
- 1.1.471. Invalid value for response_overrun_action, falling back to LDAP_RSP_DROP
- 1.1.472. Policy nesting do deep
- 1.1.473. Policy type invalid
- 1.1.474. Cannot parse policy line
- 1.1.475. Cannot parse policy line
- 1.1.476. Cannot parse policy line
- 1.1.477. Cannot parse policy line
- 1.1.478. Error in policy calling
- 1.1.479. Policy does not contain this header, using hard-coded default
- 1.1.480. Policy does not contain this mime-type, using hard-coded default
- 1.1.481. Answer type invalid
- 1.1.482. Bad policy line
- 1.1.483. Error in policy calling
- 1.1.484. Return code invalid from policy function
- 1.1.485. Policy does not contain this error, using hard-coded default
- 1.1.486. Cannot parse policy line
- 1.1.487. Error in policy calling
- 1.1.488. Error parsing return code
- 1.1.489. Stacked proxy rejected contents
- 1.1.490. Stack policy type is invalid
- 1.1.491. Cannot parse stack policy line
- 1.1.492. Error in policy call
- 1.1.493. Cannot parse return code
- 1.1.494. Invalid stacking type
- 1.1.495. Invalid stacking tuple returned by policy
- 1.1.496. Evaluating BACL rule
- 1.1.497. BACL result
- 1.1.498. Cache over shift-threshold, shifting
- 1.1.499. Server connection failure
- 1.1.500. Server connection established
- 1.1.501. Server connection failure, no destination
- 1.1.502. All destinations are down, clearing cache and trying again
- 1.1.503. Destination is down, skipping
- 1.1.504. Destination is down, keeping state
- 1.1.505. Side stacking failed, socketPair failed
- 1.1.506. Side-stacking proxy instance
- 1.1.507. Side-stacking failed
- 1.1.508. Unable to determine service, KZorp service lookup failed
- 1.1.509. No applicable service found for this client zone (cached)
- 1.1.510. No applicable service found for this client zone
- 1.1.511. No applicable service found for this client & server zone (cached)
- 1.1.512. No applicable service found for this client & server zone
- 1.1.513. Matching regexp found
- 1.1.514. Error opening match file
- 1.1.515. Error opening ignore file
- 1.1.516. Cached recipient match found
- 1.1.517. Recipient validity not cached, trying the direct way
- 1.1.518. SMTP sender was rejected, unable to verify user existence
- 1.1.519. Server accepted recipient
- 1.1.520. Server rejected recipient
- 1.1.521. SMTP error during recipient validity checking
- 1.1.522. Before NAT mapping
- 1.1.523. After NAT mapping
- 1.1.524. Proxy ending
- 1.1.525. Proxy destroy
- 1.1.526. Error while stacking child proxy
- 1.1.527. Stacking custom child
- 1.1.528. User authentication successful
- 1.1.529. Starting proxy instance
- 1.1.530. Ending proxy instance
- 1.1.531. Outbound connection not permitted
- 1.1.532. Error resolving hostname
- 1.1.533. Instance definition not found in policy
- 1.1.534. Error downloading KZorp configuration, Python traceback follows
- 1.1.535. Deinitialization requested for instance
- 1.1.536. Cleaning up instance
- 1.1.537. Error flushing KZorp configuration
- 1.1.538. Client foreign port below 1024
- 1.1.539. Server foreign port below 1024 in passive mode
- 1.1.540. Server foreign port is not good in active mode
- 1.1.541. Unknown side when calling bounceCheck
- 1.1.542. Http accounting
- 1.1.543. Request administratively prohibited
- 1.1.544. Sender address administratively prohibited
- 1.1.545. Sender check successful
- 1.1.546. Forbidden percent found in address local-part
- 1.1.547. Forbidden exclamation mark found in address local-part
- 1.1.548. Relaying denied
- 1.1.549. Relay check successful
- 1.1.550. Recipient address administratively prohibited
- 1.1.551. Recipient check successful
- 1.1.552. Relay check, checking client_zone
- 1.1.553. Relay check, checking mail domain
- 1.1.554. Signal received, stackdump follows
- 1.1.555. Invalid license file
- 1.1.556. Error initializing Python policy engine
- 2. Zorp Management Server log messages
- 2.1.
- 2.1.1. Module successfully loaded
- 2.1.2. Module loading failed
- 2.1.3. Module loading failed
- 2.1.4. Module loading failed
- 2.1.5. Module loading failed
- 2.1.6. Module loading failed
- 2.1.7. Cannot open plugin directory
- 2.1.8. Module loading failed
- 2.1.9. Cannot open plugin directory
- 2.1.10. Signal received, stackdump follows
- 2.1.11. SIGHUP received, reloading config
- 3. ZMS Transfer Agent log messages
- 4. Zorp Authentication Server log messages
- 5. Zorp Authentication Agent log messages
- 6. Zorp Content Vectoring System log messages
- A. Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd) License
List of Procedures
Published on May 30, 2024
© BalaSys IT Ltd.
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