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Proxedo Network Security Suite
2 Log Messages Guide
Chapter 5.
Authentication Agent
log messages
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Chapter 5.
Authentication Agent
log messages
© 2021 BalaSys IT Security.
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1. Single-line log message for connections
1. Application-level Gateway log messages
1.1.1. Request method empty, or too long
1.1.2. URL missing, or too long
1.1.3. Protocol version missing, or too long
1.1.4. Request details
1.1.5. Invalid HTTP status line
1.1.6. Response version empty or too long
1.1.7. Response code empty or too long
1.1.8. Response details
1.1.9. Unknown protocol version
1.1.10. Unknown protocol version
1.1.11. Internal error, error code out of range
1.1.12. An error occurred, serving error file
1.1.13. Error writing stream, stream is NULL
1.1.14. Error writing stream
1.1.15. Only Basic authentication is supported
1.1.16. Invalid base64 encoded username:password pair
1.1.17. No colon is found in the decoded username:password pair
1.1.18. Invalid HTTP request received
1.1.19. CONNECT method without version specification
1.1.20. This request type is not permitted in transparent mode
1.1.21. No host header in transparent request, 'unknown' is used instead
1.1.22. 'Host:' header is required, and HTTP/0.9 can't transfer headers
1.1.23. No 'Host:' header in request, and policy requires this
1.1.24. Error parsing URL
1.1.25. Client attempted to use FTP over HTTP, which is currently disabled
1.1.26. Unsupported scheme in URL
1.1.27. Too long hostname in URL
1.1.28. Accounting
1.1.29. Invalid item in request hash
1.1.30. Error parsing HTTP_REQ_POLICY tuple in request hash
1.1.31. Error parsing HTTP_REQ_REJECT in request hash
1.1.32. Unknown request hash item
1.1.33. Policy requested to send custom response
1.1.34. Request not permitted by policy
1.1.35. Connecting to this port is prohibited by policy
1.1.36. Internal error initializing server stream
1.1.37. Error in HTTP/0.9 compatibility code, line buffer full
1.1.38. Server fell back to HTTP/0.9 which is prohibited by policy
1.1.39. Invalid HTTP response heading
1.1.40. Error parsing response version
1.1.41. Unsupported protocol version
1.1.42. Invalid response hash item
1.1.43. Error parsing HTTP_RSP_POLICY in response hash
1.1.44. Error parsing HTTP_RSP_REJECT in response hash
1.1.45. Invalid response hash item
1.1.46. Response not permitted by policy
1.1.47. Missing port number in CONNECT request
1.1.48. Parent proxy refused our CONNECT request
1.1.49. Starting connect method
1.1.50. Internal error, connectMethod is expected to return a proxy instance
1.1.51. Fetching request and headers
1.1.52. processing request and headers
1.1.53. Maximum keep-alive request reached, setting connection mode to close
1.1.54. Filtering request and headers
1.1.55. Reprocessing filtered request
1.1.56. Sending request and headers, copying request data
1.1.57. Fetching response and headers
1.1.58. Processing response and headers
1.1.59. Filtering response and headers
1.1.60. Copying response and headers, copying response data
1.1.61. Internal error, invalid server_protocol
1.1.62. exiting keep-alive loop
1.1.63. Invalid FTP response, line too short
1.1.64. Invalid FTP response, response code not numeric
1.1.65. Invalid FTP response, continuation line contains different status code
1.1.66. FTP server returned an unhandled status code for the login request
1.1.67. Error logging in
1.1.68. Error in FTP greeting, expecting 220
1.1.69. Error changing directory on server
1.1.70. Error sending RETR or LIST command to FTP server
1.1.71. Error establishing data connection to FTP server
1.1.72. Error reading data channel confirmation from FTP server
1.1.73. Error reading 226 from FTP server
1.1.74. Invalid HTTP_HDR_CHANGE_NAME rule in header processing
1.1.75. Invalid HTTP_HDR_CHANGE_VALUE rule in header processing
1.1.76. Invalid HTTP_HDR_CHANGE_BOTH rule in header processing
1.1.77. Invalid value in header action tuple
1.1.78. Error reading from peer while fetching headers
1.1.79. First header starts with white space
1.1.80. Invalid HTTP header
1.1.81. Too many header lines
1.1.82. Chunk length line too long
1.1.83. Invalid chunk length
1.1.84. Chunk too large
1.1.85. Unexpected EOF while dechunking stream
1.1.86. Chunk footer is not an empty line
1.1.87. Stacked proxy sent a content-length hint, using it
1.1.88. Invalid stacking tuple returned by policy
1.1.89. Invalid stacking type
1.1.90. The header 'Content-Length' was present, but is not a number
1.1.91. Invalid request, data transfer failed
1.1.92. Data transfer failed
1.1.93. Stacked proxy decision
1.1.94. Received an error hint from stacked proxy
1.1.95. Received an error info string from stacked proxy
1.1.96. Stacked proxy sent no error hint or info string, using default response
1.1.97. Stacked proxy accepted data
1.1.98. Buffer overflow during protocol decoding, aborting session
1.1.99. Invalid return value of packetStats(), integer required
1.1.100. packetStats() requested to abort session
1.1.101. Response count for the request reached limit, drop packets
1.1.102. Response count for request reached limit, aborting connection
1.1.103. Invalid value for response_overrun_action, falling back to LDAP_RSP_DROP
1.1.104. Policy nesting do deep
1.1.105. Policy type invalid
1.1.106. Cannot parse policy line
1.1.107. Error in policy calling
1.1.108. Policy does not contain this header, using hard-coded default
1.1.109. Policy does not contain this mime-type, using hard-coded default
1.1.110. Answer type invalid
1.1.111. Bad policy line
1.1.112. Error in policy calling
1.1.113. Return code invalid from policy function
1.1.114. Policy does not contain this error, using hard-coded default
1.1.115. Error parsing return code
1.1.116. Internal error, not enough literals
1.1.117. Internal error, too many literals
1.1.118. Error while writing policy response
1.1.119. Error while writing policy response
1.1.120. Failed to parse command
1.1.121. Error writing to client
1.1.122. Reconstructed request
1.1.123. Illegal tag
1.1.124. Duplicate tag
1.1.125. Command not allowed in this state
1.1.126. Error parsing command
1.1.127. Request denied by policy
1.1.128. Dropping request
1.1.129. Policy responds to client
1.1.130. Aborting connection due to request
1.1.131. Too many pending requests
1.1.132. Error writing to server
1.1.133. Stray continuation response
1.1.134. Error writing to server
1.1.135. Server returned untagged line during authentication exchange, dropping it
1.1.136. Aborting connection due to a response
1.1.137. Dropping response
1.1.138. Invalid response
1.1.139. Error writing to client
1.1.140. Response arrived for unknown request
1.1.141. Aborting connection due to a response
1.1.142. Dropping response
1.1.143. Complete response arrived
1.1.144. Reconstructed response
1.1.145. Reading literal
1.1.146. No free literal space
1.1.147. Illegal character
1.1.148. Illegal literal length form
1.1.149. Literal length attribute not closed
1.1.150. Stacked proxy rejected contents
1.1.151. Policy type is invalid
1.1.152. Cannot parse stack policy line
1.1.153. Cannot parse stack policy line
1.1.154. Error in policy call
1.1.155. Cannot parse return code
1.1.156. Invalid request policy type
1.1.157. Error in request policy
1.1.158. The verdict returned by the policy is not an int
1.1.159. Invalid response policy
1.1.160. Error in response policy
1.1.161. The verdict returned by the policy is not an int
1.1.162. Invalid command verb in request
1.1.163. Request parsed
1.1.164. Fetching request
1.1.165. Request line too long
1.1.166. Processing request
1.1.167. Command not permitted in this state
1.1.168. Unknown command
1.1.169. Copying request to server
1.1.170. Error sending request
1.1.171. Fetching authentication request
1.1.172. Auth request line too long
1.1.173. Copying authentication request to server
1.1.174. Error sending authentication request
1.1.175. SMTP reply contains non-numeric characters
1.1.176. Invalid continuation character
1.1.177. Fetching response
1.1.178. Response line too long
1.1.179. Invalid SMTP reply, reply code changed
1.1.180. Response parsed
1.1.181. Processing response
1.1.182. Copying response to client
1.1.183. Error sending SMTP reply
1.1.184. Invalid policy ignored, allowing 250 response to NOOP is required
1.1.185. Invalid policy ignored, allowing 354 response to DATA is required
1.1.186. Invalid contents
1.1.187. Error occurred while scanning contents
1.1.188. Rejecting empty message
1.1.189. Error sending RSET to the server
1.1.190. Exiting SMTP loop
1.1.191. Error parsing local part
1.1.192. Local part does not end in '@'
1.1.193. Invalid domain name in path
1.1.194. Path does not start with '<'
1.1.195. Invalid source route information
1.1.196. Invalid address information
1.1.197. Path does not begin with '<' but ends with '>'
1.1.198. Path begins with '<' but does not end with '>'
1.1.199. Invalid SIZE extension in the MAIL command
1.1.200. Invalid BODY extension in the MAIL command
1.1.201. Invalid AUTH sender, not an xtext
1.1.202. Invalid extension in the MAIL command
1.1.203. Data connection accepted on client side
1.1.204. Data connection accepted on server side
1.1.205. Data connection established on client side
1.1.206. Connected to client, but connection is not expected
1.1.207. Data connection established on server side
1.1.208. Connected to server, but connection is not expected
1.1.209. Internal error, previous dispatcher not unregistered
1.1.210. Internal error, previous attach not unregistered
1.1.211. Internal error, previous attach not unregistered
1.1.212. Resetting data connection
1.1.213. Internal error, previous data connection is not closed properly
1.1.214. Internal error, cannot start data proxy because peers are not yet connected
1.1.215. Internal error, current command descriptor does not specify data transfer
1.1.216. Data connection established
1.1.217. Possible bounce attack
1.1.218. Internal error, client side not connected
1.1.219. Internal error, server side not connected
1.1.220. Max_line_length above upper limit
1.1.221. Max_username_length above max_line_length
1.1.222. Max_password_length above max_line_length
1.1.223. Max_hostname_length above max_line_length
1.1.224. Error parsing valid_chars_username
1.1.225. Internal error in stream write, side is wrong
1.1.226. Cannot write full line
1.1.227. Server answer doesn't begin with number
1.1.228. Response arrived
1.1.229. Error reading from server
1.1.230. Line is too short to be a valid answer
1.1.231. Server answer has wrong continuation mark
1.1.232. Rejected answer
1.1.233. Error reading from client
1.1.234. Request fetched
1.1.235. Empty command. Aborting
1.1.236. Unknown command. Aborting
1.1.237. Internal error, known command but command parse is unset
1.1.238. This command not allowed in non-transparent mode
1.1.239. Request rejected
1.1.240. Proxy answer
1.1.241. Rejected command (aborting)
1.1.242. Bad policy type, aborting
1.1.243. Too many continuous lines in the answer
1.1.244. Reading from peer
1.1.245. Policy does not contain this request, using hard-coded default
1.1.246. Policy type invalid
1.1.247. Cannot parse policy line
1.1.248. Error in policy calling
1.1.249. Can't parsing return code
1.1.250. Policy does not contain this response, using hard-coded default
1.1.251. Answer type invalid
1.1.252. Bad policy line
1.1.253. Error in policy calling
1.1.254. Return code invalid from policy function
1.1.255. Policy does not contain this feature, dropping
1.1.256. Policy value invalid
1.1.257. Invalid stacking tuple returned by policy
1.1.258. Invalid stacking type
1.1.259. Invalid request, data transfer failed
1.1.260. Data transfer failed
1.1.261. Stacked proxy decision
1.1.262. Stacked proxy accepted data
1.1.263. Invalid port specified in non-transparent destination
1.1.264. Invalid character in username
1.1.265. Hostname specified in username is too long
1.1.266. Username too long
1.1.267. Internal error, proxy in unknown state
1.1.268. Password too long
1.1.269. Unexpected response to data transfer command
1.1.270. Invalid parameter for command
1.1.271. Missing parameter for the TYPE command
1.1.272. Valid, but unsupported transfer type specification
1.1.273. Unknown transfer type specification
1.1.274. Missing parameter to the MODE command
1.1.275. Invalid parameter to the MODE command
1.1.276. Missing parameter to the STRU command
1.1.277. Invalid parameter to the STRU command
1.1.278. Error preparing server-side data connection (PORT)
1.1.279. There was an error binding a server-side listener
1.1.280. Error parsing PASV response
1.1.281. Error preparing data connection to the server (PASV)
1.1.282. Error preparing server-side data connection listener (EPRT)
1.1.283. Cannot bind to the given address (EPRT)
1.1.284. Missing parameter (EPSV)
1.1.285. Bad parameter (EPSV), not beginning with bracket
1.1.286. Bad parameter (EPSV), not closing with bracket
1.1.287. Error parsing EPSV response
1.1.288. Bad parameter (EPSV), invalid port
1.1.289. Internal error, cannot detect server address
1.1.290. Unknown protocol type (EPSV)
1.1.291. Error preparing data connection to the server (EPSV)
1.1.292. Invalid parameters to the PORT command
1.1.293. Connection mode not supported
1.1.294. Error preparing client-side data connection (PORT->PASV)
1.1.295. Error parsing the server answer to the PASV command (PORT->PASV)
1.1.296. Error preparing client-side data connection (PORT)
1.1.297. Error parsing the server answer to the PORT command
1.1.298. Error preparing client-side data connection listener (PASV)
1.1.299. Error preparing client-side data connection listener (PASV->PORT)
1.1.300. Error parsing the server answer to the PORT command (PASV->PORT)
1.1.301. Missing parameter (EPRT)
1.1.302. Bad parameter (EPRT)
1.1.303. Bad port parameter (EPRT)
1.1.304. Unknown protocol method (EPRT)
1.1.305. Bad host address (EPRT)
1.1.306. Error preparing client connect (EPRT)
1.1.307. Bad server answer (EPRT)
1.1.308. Error preparing client listen (EPSV)
1.1.309. Bad server answer (EPSV)
1.1.310. Error parsing command (ALLO)
1.1.311. Dropping request parameter, no parameter allowed
1.1.312. The required numerical parameter of the request is missing
1.1.313. The numerical parameter of the request is not in the given range
1.1.314. The numerical parameter of the request is negative
1.1.315. The numerical parameter of the request is zero
1.1.316. The numerical parameter of the request contains junk after the number
1.1.317. The first numerical parameter of the request is not in the given range
1.1.318. The first numerical parameter of the request is negative
1.1.319. Only one numerical argument in request
1.1.320. The second numerical parameter of the request is not in the given range
1.1.321. The second numerical parameter of the request is a negative number
1.1.322. The numerical parameter of the request contain junk after the number
1.1.323. Username is too long
1.1.324. Password is too long
1.1.325. The username parameter is too long or the digest parameter is missing
1.1.326. Error parsing the MD5 digest
1.1.327. The required numerical parameter of the response is missing
1.1.328. The numerical parameter of the response is not in the given range
1.1.329. The numerical parameter of the response is a negative number
1.1.330. The numerical parameter of the response contains junk after the number
1.1.331. The second numerical parameter of the response is not in the given range
1.1.332. The required second numerical parameter of the response is missing
1.1.333. The second numerical parameter of the response is a negative number
1.1.334. The second numerical parameter of the response contains junk after the number
1.1.335. Policy does not contain this request, using hard-coded default
1.1.336. Policy type is invalid
1.1.337. Cannot parse policy line
1.1.338. Error in policy call
1.1.339. Cannot parse the return code
1.1.340. Policy does not contain this request, using hard-coded default
1.1.341. Policy type is invalid
1.1.342. Cannot parse policy line
1.1.343. Cannot parse return code
1.1.344. Stack policy type is invalid
1.1.345. Cannot parse stack policy line
1.1.346. Cannot parse stack policy line
1.1.347. Error in policy call
1.1.348. Cannot parse return code
1.1.349. Response line too long
1.1.350. Response status is invalid
1.1.351. Response fetched with parameter
1.1.352. Response fetched
1.1.353. Data transfer failed
1.1.354. Request line too long
1.1.355. Request fetched with parameter
1.1.356. Request fetched
1.1.357. Unknown request command
1.1.358. Request command not allowed in this state
1.1.359. Stacked proxy rejected contents
1.1.360. Policy type is invalid
1.1.361. Cannot parse policy line
1.1.362. Error in policy call
1.1.363. Cannot parse the return code
1.1.364. Invalid stacking type
1.1.365. Invalid stacking tuple returned by policy
1.1.366. Eofmask is updated
1.1.367. Data transfer timed out
1.1.368. Data transfer interrupted by progress
1.1.369. Unexpected EOF while transferring from server
1.1.370. Signal received, stackdump follows
1.1.371. Error initializing Python policy engine
1.1.372. Starting proxy instance
1.1.373. Ending proxy instance
1.1.374. Sender address administratively prohibited
1.1.375. Sender check successful
1.1.376. Forbidden percent found in address local-part
1.1.377. Forbidden exclamation mark found in address local-part
1.1.378. Relaying denied
1.1.379. Relay check successful
1.1.380. Recipient address administratively prohibited
1.1.381. Recipient check successful
1.1.382. Relay check, checking client_zone
1.1.383. Relay check, checking mail domain
1.1.384. Instance definition not found in policy
1.1.385. Deinitialization requested for instance
1.1.386. Cleaning up instance
1.1.387. Client foreign port below 1024
1.1.388. Server foreign port below 1024 in passive mode
1.1.389. Server foreign port is not good in active mode
1.1.390. Unknown side when calling bounceCheck
1.1.391. Before NAT mapping
1.1.392. After NAT mapping
1.1.393. Unable to determine service, service lookup failed
1.1.394. No applicable service found for this client zone (cached)
1.1.395. No applicable service found for this client zone
1.1.396. No applicable service found for this client & server zone (cached)
1.1.397. No applicable service found for this client & server zone
1.1.398. Outbound connection not permitted
1.1.399. Error resolving hostname
1.1.400. Cache over shift-threshold, shifting
1.1.401. Matching regexp found
1.1.402. Error opening match file
1.1.403. Error opening ignore file
1.1.404. Cached recipient match found
1.1.405. Recipient validity not cached, trying the direct way
1.1.406. SMTP sender was rejected, unable to verify user existence
1.1.407. Server accepted recipient
1.1.408. Server rejected recipient
1.1.409. SMTP error during recipient validity checking
1.1.410. Http accounting
1.1.411. Request administratively prohibited
1.1.412. Evaluating BACL rule
1.1.413. BACL result
1.1.414. Proxy ending
1.1.415. Proxy destroy
1.1.416. Error while stacking child proxy
1.1.417. Stacking custom child
1.1.418. User authentication successful
1.1.419. Server connection failure
1.1.420. Server connection established
1.1.421. Server connection failure, no destination
1.1.422. All destinations are down, clearing cache and trying again
1.1.423. Destination is down, skipping
1.1.424. Destination is down, keeping state
1.1.425. Side stacking failed, socketPair failed
1.1.426. Side-stacking proxy instance
1.1.427. Side-stacking failed
1.1.428. Invalid maximum aggregator, no source node
1.1.429. Failed to parse interval from node name
1.1.430. Invalid average aggregator, no source node
1.1.431. Failed to create SZIG socket
1.1.432. Error calling AuthenticationProvider method
1.1.433. Cannot find proxy module
1.1.434. Attribute fetched
1.1.435. Attribute changed
1.1.436. Session ID not found for authorization
1.1.437. calling event
1.1.438. calling __destroy__() event
1.1.439. Internal error, trying to look up a non-VProxyIface compatible interface
1.1.440. Error creating proxy thread
1.1.441. User initiated proxy termination request received
1.1.442. Connecting to remote host
1.1.443. Error parsing auth_agent command
1.1.444. Error writing vas stream
1.1.445. Module successfully loaded
1.1.446. Module loading failed
1.1.447. Error opening policy file
1.1.448. Error parsing policy file
1.1.449. Error creating client socketpair for stacked proxy
1.1.450. Error creating server socketpair for stacked proxy
1.1.451. Stacking subproxy
1.1.452. Error creating control socketpair for stacked proxy
1.1.453. Stacking program
1.1.454. eofmask updated
1.1.455. Packet stats timeout elapsed, and no timeout callback specified
1.1.456. Established connection
1.1.457. Error connecting to auth_agentd
1.1.458. AuthAgent authentication failed, unable to determine target address
1.1.459. AuthAgent authentication failed, cannot connect to client
1.1.460. Error connecting to auth_agent, TLS handshake failed
1.1.461. AuthAgent authentication failed, unknown address family
1.1.462. AuthAgent authentication failed, unable to write request information
1.1.463. AuthAgent authentication failed, error reading answer
1.1.464. Internal error in v_policy_stream_new: input VStream is NULL
1.1.465. Error booting & parsing policy
1.1.466. Error initializing policy
1.1.467. Error loading initial policy, exiting
1.1.468. Reloading policy
1.1.469. Error reloading policy, reverting to old
1.1.470. Error opening socket
1.1.471. Error connecting UDP socket (nf)
1.1.472. Error querying local address (nf)
1.1.473. Error during setsockopt(IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVORIGADDRS)
1.1.474. Error during setsockopt(IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_RECVORIGADDRS)
1.1.475. Cannot create socket
1.1.476. Connection denied by policy
1.1.477. Dispatcher on address
1.1.478. Dispatch thread starting
1.1.479. Accept queue stats
1.1.480. Dispatch thread exiting
1.1.481. Error creating dispatch thread, falling back to non-threaded mode
1.1.482. Incoming connection
1.1.483. Nobody was interested in this connection
1.1.484. Transparent listener connected directly, dropping connection
1.1.485. Error registering dispatch, previous entry specified accept_one
1.1.486. Internal error, dispatch entry not found (chain exists)
1.1.487. Internal error, dispatch entry not found (no chain)
2. Management Server log messages
2.1.1. Module loading failed
2.1.2. Cannot open plugin directory
2.1.3. Signal received, stackdump follows
2.1.4. SIGHUP received, reloading config
2.1.5. Module successfully loaded
2.1.6. Module loading failed
2.1.7. Module loading failed
2.1.8. Module loading failed
2.1.9. Module loading failed
2.1.10. Module loading failed
2.1.11. Cannot open plugin directory
3. MS Transfer Agent log messages
3.1.1. Signal received, stackdump follows
4. Authentication Server log messages
4.1.1. Signal received, stackdump follows
4.1.2. Module successfully loaded
4.1.3. Module initialization failed
4.1.4. Error dlopening module
4.1.5. Cannot open plugin directory
5. Authentication Agent log messages
5.1.1. Signal received, stackdump follows
6. Content Filtering log messages
6.1.1. Signal received, stackdump follows
6.1.2. Module successfully loaded
6.1.3. Module initialization failed
6.1.4. Error dlopening module
6.1.5. Cannot open plugin directory
Appendix A. Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd) License
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