SSLOptions methods

Method __init__(self, cipher, timeout, disable_tlsv1, disable_tlsv1_1, disable_tlsv1_2, session_cache_size, disable_session_cache, disable_ticket, disable_compression)

This constructor defines an SSLOptions with the specified parameters.

Arguments of __init__
cipher (enum)
Default: n/a
Specifies the allowed ciphers. For details, see Table 5.30, Constants for cipher selection .

disable_compression (boolean)
Default: FALSE
Set this to TRUE to disable support for SSL/TLS compression.

disable_session_cache (boolean)
Default: FALSE
Do not store session information in the session cache. Set this option to TRUE to disable SSL session reuse.

disable_ticket (boolean)
Default: FALSE
Session tickets are a method for SSL session reuse, described in RFC 5077. Set this option to TRUE to disable SSL session reuse using session tickets.

disable_tlsv1 (boolean)
Default: TRUE
Do not allow using TLSv1 in the connection.

disable_tlsv1_1 (boolean)
Default: FALSE
Do not allow using TLSv1.1 in the connection.

disable_tlsv1_2 (boolean)
Default: FALSE
Do not allow using TLSv1.2 in the connection.

session_cache_size (integer)
Default: 20480
The number of sessions stored in the session cache for SSL session reuse.

timeout (integer)
Default: 300
Drop idle connection if the timeout value (in seconds) expires.