4.14.2. Proxy behavior

LdapProxy is a module built for parsing the LDAP protocol version v2 and v3. It reads and parses the REQUESTs at the client side and - if the local security policy permits - sends them to the server. It parses the arriving RESPONSE and - if the local security policy permits - forwards it to the client. LdapProxy can parse the following requests and responses, consequently, these requests can be accepted or denied:

BindRequestRequest for binding as an object.
BindResponseResponse to BindRequests.
UnbindRequestRequest for unbinding.
SearchRequestRequest for submitting an LDAP query.
SearchResultEntryResponse to SearchRequests.
SearchResultDoneResponse indicating the SearchRequest was performed.
ModifyRequestRequest to modify an entry.
ModifyResponseResponse to ModifyRequests.
AddRequestRequest to add a new entry.
AddResponseResponse to AddRequests.
DelRequestRequest to delete an LDAP entry.
DelResponseResponse to DelRequests.
ModifyDNRequestRequest to modify a DN object.
ModifyDNResponseResponse to ModifyDNRequests.
CompareRequestRequest to compare the provided assertion with an entry in the directory.
CompareResponseResponse to CompareRequests.
AbandonRequestRequest to cancel a request.
SearchResultReferenceResponse referring to another LDAP server.
ExtendedRequestRequest reserved for further queries.
ExtendedResponseResponse to ExtendedRequests.

Table 4.38. Parsed LDAP operations