StackingProvider methods

__init__(self, name, backend)Constructor to initialize an instance of the StackingProvider class.

Table 5.103. Method summary

Method __init__(self, name, backend)

This constructor creates a StackingProvider instance and sets the attributes of the instance according to the received arguments.

Arguments of __init__
backend (class)
Default: n/a
A configured RemoteStackingBackend class containing the address of the remote stacking backend, e.g., RemoteStackingBackend(addrs=(SockAddrInet('', 1318),)) or RemoteStackingBackend(addrs=(SockAddrUnix('/var/run/zcv/zcv.sock'),)). .

name (string)
Default: n/a
Name of the Stacking provider policy. This name can be referenced in the service definitions.