Attributes of SmtpProxy

error_soft (boolean, rw:rw)
Default: FALSE
Return a soft error condition when recipient filter does not match. If enabled, the proxy will try to re-validate the recipient and send the mail again. This option is useful when the server used for the recipient matching is down.

permit_exclamation_mark (boolean, rw:rw)
Default: FALSE
Allow the '!' sign in the local part of e-mail addresses.

permit_percent_hack (boolean, rw:rw)
Default: FALSE
Allow the '%' sign in the local part of e-mail addresses.

recipient_matcher (class, rw:rw)
Matcher class (e.g.: SmtpInvalidRecipientMatcher) used to check and filter recipient e-mail addresses.

relay_check (boolean, rw:rw)
Default: TRUE
Enable/disable relay checking.

relay_domains (complex, rw:r)
Domains mails are accepted for. Use Postfix style lists. (E.g.: '.example.com' allows every subdomain of example.com, but not example.com. To match example.com use 'example.com'.)

relay_domains_matcher (class, rw:r)
Domains mails are accepted for based on a matcher (e.g.: RegexpFileMatcher).

relay_zones (complex, rw:r)
Zorp zones that are relayed. The administrative hierarchy of the zone is also used.

sender_matcher (class, rw:rw)
Matcher class (e.g.: SmtpInvalidRecipientMatcher) used to check and filter sender e-mail addresses.