AbstractPlugProxy methods

packetStats(self, client_bytes, client_pkts, server_bytes, server_pkts) Function called when the packet_stats_interval is elapsed.

Table 4.17. Method summary

Method packetStats(self, client_bytes, client_pkts, server_bytes, server_pkts)

This function is called whenever the time interval set in packet_stats_interval elapses, or a given number of packets were transmitted. This event receives packet statistics as parameters. It can be used in managing the Quality of Service of the connections; e.g.: to terminate connections with excessive bandwidth requirements (for instance to limit the impact of a covert channel opened when using plug instead of a protocol specific proxy).

Arguments of packetStats
client_bytes (unknown, n/a:n/a)
Default: n/a
Number of bytes transmitted to the client.

client_pkts (unknown, n/a:n/a)
Default: n/a
Number of packets transmitted to the client.

server_bytes (unknown, n/a:n/a)
Default: n/a
Number of bytes transmitted to the server.

server_pkts (unknown, n/a:n/a)
Default: n/a
Number of packets transmitted to the server.