4.2.1. Command line parameters (Linux)

The graphical client (satyr-gtk) has the following command line parameters:

--help or -?

Display a brief help message.

--version or -V

Display version number and compilation information.

--automatic or -a

Enables automatic Kerberos authentication.

--no-syslog or -l

Send log messages to the standard output instead of syslog.

--verbose <verbosity> or -v <verbosity>

Set verbosity level to <verbosity>. The default verbosity level is 3; possible values are 0-10.

--logtags; or -T

Prepend log category and log level to each message.

Satyr Multiplexer (satyr-mpxd) has the following command line parameters:

--help or -?

Display a brief help message.

--version or -V

Display the version number of satyr-mpxd

--no-syslog or -l

Send log messages to the standard output instead of syslog.

--verbose <verbosity> or -v <verbosity>

Set verbosity level to <verbosity>. The default verbosity level is 3; possible values are 0-10.

--logtags; or -T

Prepend log category and log level to each message.

--aliasfile; or -a

The name (including full path) of a text file (for example, /tmp/aliases) used by Authentication Agent Multiplexer to redirect the authentication requests of certain users to a different user in multiuser environments. For example, to redirect all authentication request of the root user to MainUser add the following line to the file: root: MainUser.

--log-spec; or -s

Set verbosity mask on a per category basis. Each log message has an assigned multi-level category, where levels are separated by a dot. For example, HTTP requests are logged under http.request. The <spec> is a comma-separated list of log specifications. A single log specification consists of a wildcard matching log category, a colon, and a number specifying the verbosity level of that given category. Categories match from left to right. For example, --logspec 'http.*:5,core:3'. The last matching entry will be used as the verbosity of the given category. If no match is found the default verbosity specified with --verbose is used.

--no-require-ssl; or -S

Turn off the SSL encryption of the communication between PNS and the Multiplexer.

--bind-address; or -b and, --bind-port; or -p

The IP address and the port the Multiplexer is accepting connections on.

--crt-dir; or -t

Path of the directory containing the certificate of the CA that issued the certificate of the PNS firewall.

--crl-dir; or -r

Path of the directory containing the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) related to the above CA.